lunedì 28 gennaio 2013

Touched By Magic

Once upon a time an Ugly Frog was Touched by Magic.
A Wizard waved her wand, said some words,
and then, presto … poof of smoke …
the ugly frog discovered that he was really …
A handsome Prince
with all the resources he needed
to live fully and vibrantly.
For you see, the magic of the words restored him
to his true identity and his true destiny
as it opened his eyes to all the rich resources within.
And so he went on his princely way — merrily –
totally Transformed and Thrilled…
& repeatedly Telling his story to all who would listen,
which began to cause him to feel really curious
about that magic.
“Just how did she do that anyway?”
“Is there any Method in her Magic?”
“If I could find the Structure in the Magic __
could I then learn to perform Magic like that?”
And these words echoed in his mind.
Now it came to pass in those days
that two modelers were also touched by Magic
& forthwith thereafter began to hold workshops
throughout the Kingdom on the Structure of Magic.
And so as the prince took his place in the workshop,
and not even knowing the extent of his magic skills
having been Touched by Magic,
and so he accessed his most ferocious learning state
because he didn’t want to miss any of
the secrets of magic.
So as he began to breath deeply and fully
with a calm relaxation in the growing excited anticipation
of become even more skilled as
a Neuro-Linguistic Magician…

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